When I was just a girl, I had a strange experience. I was sitting at my dressing table, brushing my long dark hair and I was taken into the mirror. I was gone for a while, maybe ten minutes, and when I returned I knew that I was among people who did not experience the world as I did. I felt very alone.
I had a cat that wasn’t there. Sometimes it would sit on the bed and I would feel the weight of it, though there was nothing to see with every-day eyes.
As a teenager, I had a huge fascination with sci-fi. I loved how it expanded my way of seeing things, but I also knew that there was a truth in some of the ideas. I had not forgotten the mirror, nor the cat. I played once at a party with a Ouija Board, though I knew quickly that it was not a thing to play with. I began to realise that I ‘knew’ about other levels of existence, other worlds. Then I met Pat who shared her experience and introduced me to spirit guides, to the Spiritualist church, and for a while I thought I wanted to be a Medium. Life moved along and suddenly a series of events led me to train in anatomy and physiology, massage, aromatherapy and reflexology, at Raworth College in Dorking. I followed this up within a couple of years with Heart Awakening, a very powerful form of emotional healing, studied with Raoult Bertrand, of the Heart Awakening Project, Carefree, Arizona.

I have had a website at www.stardrum.com for about three decades. The concept evolves.
Then with David, my husband, embarked on a round the world adventure. The Change of Life for me was in more ways than one! We spent a couple of weeks in France visiting spiritual centres, before going overland through Africa to The Gambia in a Landrover, with an off-roading group of adventurers. Then we did one or two Greek Islands, spent the summer in the Cathar Country to connect with those long-ago seekers, and then went off around the world. First stop Bali, then Sydney, up the coast of Australia across the top down the middle to Ayers Rock and Alice, then a little time on the east coast before New Zealand. We extended our stay there as it was so very lovely, and we would love to have stayed indefinitely. Tonga, Hawaii, Arizona and the Native American reservations; all in all our travelling was over an 18 month period.
Return as a Child of the Universe, unsettled, displaced, in disbelief that we were back. A while in Scotland, then a couple of years in Herefordshire, a decade in Gloucestershire, before an unexpected move to Cyprus.
Business Background
I started my working career as a secretary in a solicitors office, became British Caledonian Airways first ever Word Processor Operator, ran my own Word Processing Agency, designed three inter-related databases for an management employment agency. Most of these tasks I could get some sense of challenge and interest from but no fulfilment.
I was in my forties when I quit! It was a liberating experience and I never intended to work in an office again. I trained in Anatomy & Physiology, Reflexology and Aromatherapy, and then discovered Heart Awakening, a profound emotional experience. However after my Journey through aromatherapy and reflexology, we took our round-the-world trip and on return I found myself again seeking work. I joined a literary agency placing Mind Body Spirit books. This gave me a good understanding of publishing and led to assisting a number of authors to self-publish under the StarDrum Books imprint.
More recently I became a Yoga teacher and studied Natural Nutrition. Who knows what’s next?